An Apron as a Weapon

Many people believe that an oppressive, totalitarian government is designed by a group of devils wearing human skins. The nation is hypnotized by cunning propaganda, led to believe the blood-tainted doctrine, and subliminally conditioned to sacrifice their life for those devils. Today, we would notice these devils when we see them. A modern democratic society will not tolerate such a diabolical political process. So we believe. The problem is, some totalitarian regimes were the products of democratic process. Nazi party won 230 seats in Reichstag as a result of the 1932 federal election. In Japan, though no particular political party …

Nobuko Rides on a Cloud

  Nobuko Rides on a Cloud (ノンちゃん雲に乗る) 1955, Shin-Toho Prod. Hisatora Kumagai, Hiroji Nakata Dir. Fumindo Kurata Writer Fumindo Kurata, Setsuko Murayama Haruko Wanibuchi, Setsuko Hara, Susumu Fujita Synopsis A little girl, Non-chan, is walking down the road crying hard. Her dog, Es, is following her. She finds a large tall tree with a nice branch extending out to the river. Non-chan climbs onto the branch, finds herself reflected on the water. She stops crying, and pretending to be a bird, she flaps her arms. Then … When she comes to herself, she was in the clouds. She was saved …