Deep Focus Revisited (Part 2)

This is part 2, part 1 is here. Long Voyage to KANE Whenever the topic of deep focus cinematography in CITIZEN KANE is brought up, somebody will say “CITIZEN KANE is not the first! Gregg Toland used the technique in LONG VOYAGE HOME!” Well, that’s true. As a matter of fact, Greg Toland had been interested in staging in depth for quite some time.

Ludlow to Lubitsch

In 1914, one of the most influential, though tragic, incidents in United States labor history occurred in Ludlow, near Trinidad, Colorado. The coal miners of Colorado Fuel & Iron Company demanded raise and improvement in working conditions. They made a list of seven demands and went into strike in 1913. The Rockefellers, the owner family of the company, simply ignored the worker’s demand, brought in the detective agency to intimidate and terrorize the strikers. In the following April, the Colorado National Guard was brought in and the strike ended in violence. More than twenty people including 10 children were killed. …